Saturday, December 1, 2012

Daily Dose of Chocolate

So I know I told you guys in my last blog, my husband and I were going to Dallas for a sort of Personal Development type of training.  Well it ended up being way too last minute for us, and we're trying to save money for an upcoming move so we decided not to go.  Thank goodness we opted out considering everyone in my household now has a cold... it must be that time.

All things considered, this means I will definitely not be going to Denny's every day for the weekend, (THANK GOODNESS!) and I won't be able to report on eating clean while eating out.

I honestly have no idea what I'm even going to eat for breakfast yet since I need to go grocery shopping today.  I'll probably end up drinking a Shakeology smoothie for breakfast.  I really want to move that up to lunch time though considering it does really help me curb cravings through out the I figured if I have it for lunch instead, it will help with those pesky nighttime cravings.

Speaking of cravings...

I used to be a chocolate craver for a long time... then I wasn't... now it's back!!! NOOO!!! BUT... studies do report chocolate being good for you; actually it's the alkaloid, theobromine, that is in the cacao plant, which is good for you.  Theobromine is actually the thing in chocolate that dogs are allergic to.  I studied holistic medicine for a little while, so I know about an ounce of information about this. Hehe...  Anyways, I'm allowing for some chocolate dosage in my daily diet, however, I do need some discipline when it comes to the chocolate department!  So I bought this little weekly pill case from the dollar store where I will put my daily dose of chocolate.

I found this article to back me up...11 Reasons Chocolate's Good for You... but I will give you the 11 basic reasons...

1.  Chocolate decreases stroke risk.
2.  Chocolate decreases the likelihood of heart attack.
3.  Chocolate protects against blood inflammation.
4.  Chocolate helps with math. (I'm calling bullshit.)
5.  Chocolate may prevent cancer.
6.  Chocolate reduces the risk of diabetes.
7.  Chocolate is good for your skin.
8.  Chocolate can control coughs. (yay!)
9.  Chocolate improves blood flow.
10.  Chocolate strengthens your brain.
11.  Chocolate makes you live longer.

ALRIGHT! Take this with a grain of salted chocolate considering this article was probably written by Hershey, but I believe there's enough support to say that in moderation chocolate isn't all that bad for you.  I would highly suggest sticking as close to the source as possible with dark chocolate and cacao for highest levels of theobromine.

Here is what I did eat for breakfast... not my proudest inner chef moment but at least I ate something...
And yes... I need that ridiculous knife to cut my fruit!

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