Sunday, November 25, 2012

Radical Diet?

Why is it so hard to eat clean, good food, and why do people attack us for it?  If you were looking for me to answer this question, then you're reading the wrong blog.  ;)  Honestly, I don't have a clue why it's so hard... of course there are a million surface reasons why... it's inconvenient, takes time, effort, and dedication, and it's a strait pain in the ass sometimes.  On top of all this your friends and loved ones will usually mock you and give you a real hard time for it.  Why?  Because it's inconvenient, takes time, effort, and dedication, and it's a strait pain in the ass... and you can do it, and they can't, moreover, WON'T.

I'm not going to make up some BS story and say how I have discovered the secret to always eating a clean diet, because I am NOWHERE close to that.  My schedule is more like for 2 weeks I will eat a nice, balanced, healthy diet, and then BAM! something happens and it goes out the window...and usually it's not just for a day or 2.  It's for a whole week!  This last weekend before Thanksgiving I flew to Dallas with my husband for a personal development class.  The only restaurant near by was a Denny's.  UGH!  Now of course, I know what I could have done to eat clean, the right things to order... and I just don't.

Now, if you're reading this for the tips and tricks, I know I already said I don't have them... but I'm trying, and I'm learning.  I want you all to know that I struggle with the same problems you have, I want to  figure out how to overcome those struggles, and then help you also overcome.  Well, I am headed back to Dallas next weekend for another course and will be there Friday through Sunday, and I will ONLY eat clean, whole foods.

WHOLE FOODS: Nothing processed... just strait meat (however, I do not eat meat, but if you're a meat eater, have at it), fish, eggs, veggies, fruit, nuts, some grains, and herbs/spices.  That's a variety, right?  Should be easy...

I will record EVERYTHING I eat, when I eat it, and how I feel throughout the day.  I will also try to note at what times I'm craving the most junk, and see if there might be any defining reasons WHY.
Until then, when you're feeling too tired or lazy to make yourself a good, clean meal, remind yourself that in the end it's always worth it.  Clean, whole food meals are delicious, AND filling.

My breakfast consisted of egg whites, avocado, pomegranate, and raw almonds.  Clean protein, clean fat.  For extra flavor I always add a super large dose of pepper to my avocado and eggs.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm a new follower. This is an awesome breakfast. I never felt better once I went all natural and paleo.
