Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Making Time

My last post was about how little time I feel is in a day... but as usual, it was a lot of complaining with no solutions.  So I would like to share with you a few time saving tricks I use throughout my day.

Working out eats up almost over an hours worth of my time if I am doing P90X that day.  The water breaks are fairly long however; ranging from 30-60 seconds.  A minute is a LONG time when it comes to all the stuff parents need to accomplish during the day.  Trust me, I understand there is stuff that happens in our crazy lives where a minute can seem like f o r e v e r, or a minute can just slip between our fingers like nothing. I've had complete hours slip through my fingers, oh never mind, I've had months... but that's the past, and now I am rambling.  So what do I do with this 60 second water break anyway?  I sweep my living room, I pick up toys, sometimes I check in with my Challenge groups on Facebook, and then I have a tiny sip of water. HAHA  After a P90X workout, I actually have my living room entirely picked up usually.

To my stay-at-home parents out there... Are there any chores that your little one enjoys doing?  Mason is a little over 2, and he's at an age where he thinks it's very fun to help out.  Use this to your advantage!    I used to think I could only effectively and efficiently clean up while Mason was napping.  Now there are things that I save for when he is awake and it gives me a little more "me" time while he's sleeping! YES!  Loading and unloading the dishwasher, switching out laundry... Mason LOVES these things.  I just save them for him, we do them together, I let him take his time with it, and save the stress for somewhere else.  So when nap time comes I can workout...and pick up the living room. HA!

Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing. - Phyllis Diller

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